Hyundai Makes Rs400 Crore Investment In New Indian DieselEngine Plant

HyundaiHyundai Motors has operated successfully in India and has solidified its operating procedures there over the past several years. During the next three years Hyundai will build a new diesel engine factory costing Rs400 crore. Recent feasibility research showed this to be an appropriate investment according to the CEO. Three different sized engines will be produced.

The new factory should be opened in 2013 or 2014. It will produce diesel engines for the Indian market. These engines will be in three sizes: 1.1 liters, 1.4 lit, and 1.6 lit. Hyundai’s Sales and Marketing Director said that this year Hyundai had to use all of its production to satisfy growing local demand. In previous years, Hyundai’s Indian division was able to produce enough cars for both the Indian and foreign markets.